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The integration of graduates of the classical system

Publié le 02-10-2019
Par DRIAS Djillali
Structure: Secrétariat général

You will find attached the calendar and the number of open positions by specialty related to the operation of the integration of the graduates of the classical system (Bac + 3, + 4 and +5) in L3, M1 and M2 of the LMD system.


_المقاعد- إدماج حاملي شهادات النظام الكلاسيكي-2019.xls

Circulaire Master n02.2019 AR.pdf

_إدماج حاملي شهادات النظام الكلاسيكي-2019.pdf


Directorate of Ibn Khaldoun University ,Tiaret
Opposite the national liberation Army square, Alger’s road
Post box 78 Tiaret, Algeria


Email: administration@univ-tiaret.dz
Phone: +213(0)46 25 61 33