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The incubator’s digital platform

Publié le 27-11-2022
Par DRIAS Djillali
Structure: Secrétariat général

Ibn Khaldoun University informs teachers and students of the final classes “ licence’s, master’s, and doctorate’s” access through the incubator’s digital platform to register themselves and propose topics for graduation in accordance with ministerial resolution No.1275 of September 27th,2022


through the mechanism of a certificate- an emerging institution or a certificate – a patent via the following link.


Note: registration on the incubator platform is by e-mail

For those who don’t have professional mail, contact the headquarters of the incubator in the central faculty (the base of lectures) attached with the student card.

Explanatory video of the start-up enterprise .


Directorate of Ibn Khaldoun University ,Tiaret
Opposite the national liberation Army square, Alger’s road
Post box 78 Tiaret, Algeria


Email: administration@univ-tiaret.dz
Phone: +213(0)46 25 61 33