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Call for Papers of national conferences

Publié le 06-01-2020
Par TOUMI Zine el abidine
Structure: Cellule de communication

The 1st National Conference on Synthesis and Catalysis Tiaret (NCSCT, 2020) is organized by the Laboratory of Synthesis and Catalysis and the Faculty of Material Sciences, University of Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret,


to promote exchanges between scientific research teams, provide an opportunity for PhD students to present their research. This event also aims to boost scientific exchanges between national specialists in the field of materials sciences and their impact on the environment.

For more information: Please download the attached files 

Fiche_d_inscription_ Conférence_Tiaret.docx

dépliant CNSCT,2020.pdf


Directorate of Ibn Khaldoun University ,Tiaret
Opposite the national liberation Army square, Alger’s road
Post box 78 Tiaret, Algeria


Email: administration@univ-tiaret.dz
Phone: +213(0)46 25 61 33